Friday, November 11, 2011

Entry 6: October 19, 1777

Robert is still in the war fighting with the Patriots. He fought in the Battle of Saratoga just two days ago. The Patriot army managed to surround and out number the British army. General Horatio Gates was firced to surrender on October 17,1777. It was huge victory, and I was wrong in my last blog, thinking that things wouldn't get better. Hopefully this is a turning point in the war, and we can gain back some major ground. I just wish that Robert could be here with us. Hopefully he will be able to return soon. Although, my now full time job at the inn distracts me from the worries.

PHOTO: The Battle of Saratoga
Bullion, John L.

"Burgoyne, John."

World Book Advanced.

World Book,

11 Nov. 2011.
(for image)

Deverell, William and Deborah G. White. United States History. Austin, Texas, United States Of America: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2008. Print.

Logan, Joseph T., Dec. 2001, The American Revolution - The Battle of SaratogaRetrieved November 11, 2011Website url:

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