Thursday, November 10, 2011

Entry 3: March 20, 1776

Robert despratley wants us to move to Boston. He really wants to be involved in the war and fighting. I said NO. I think the main reason that he wants to go is that he finally read the pamphlet "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine, that was published in Janurary 1776. Hopefully he will just change his mind.

After The Battle of Bunker Hill, we didn't officially win, but the Patriots gained a major moral victory. Those British may even be scared of us now!! A couple of weeks ago, on March 14, 1776 there was a very easy victory for us in Dorchester Heights. George Washington and the Continental Army placed the weapons that they had stolen from Fort Ticonderoga atop of a hill, surrounding Boston. When that British General woke up, he knew he had to surrender! We are defintely getting somewhere.

IMAGE: The Battle of Bunker Hill

Deverell, William and Deborah G. White. United States History. Austin, Texas, United States Of America: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2008. Print.

Sheidley, Nathaniel.

"American Revolution."

World Book Advanced.

World Book,

10 Nov. 2011.
(for photo AND information)

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