Thursday, November 10, 2011

Entry 5: July 1777

He left. My wonderful husband left to go to war. After the huge Patriot victory in The Battle of Trenton late last year, Robert joked around about leaving. Then came yet another victory on Janurary 2nd, 1777. Then, the British began to re-capurte Fort Ticonderoga, and were attemping to cut off the New England colonies from us. I woke up one morning, and all of his things were gone. He had left a note.  He said that he believes in me and that he will return one day.The war seems to be declining with my life. The British are getting stronger, as I said before. George and the army had a major victory around last Christmas by surrounding the British army and luring them by keeping their campfires lit, but it has been downhill from there. Hopefully things will get brighter soon.

IMAGE: George Washington Sailing across the Delaware River

Clemens, Paul G. E., and Grant Saff.

"New Jersey."

World Book Advanced.

World Book,

10 Nov. 2011

(for photo)

Deverell, William and Deborah G. White. United States History. Austin, Texas, United States Of America: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2008. Print.

Logan, Joseph T., Dec. 2001, The American Revolution - The Battle of Princeton, Retrieved November 10, 2011 Website url:

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