Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Entry 11: May 1780

Just when everything was going well in the war, the Patriots took a major blow.Charkeston, NC was the British's major target. General Clinton brought 14,000 men with him to fight. They only suffered 250 casulaties, and snagged their biggest victory yet of the war. Hopefully this will not end up damaging us too much. It was the biggest loss of manpower and weapons. There were about 5,200 Patriot casulaties/prisioners. My life here in Delaware has actually improved. My job and my father's job combined have brought in much more money than the farm has since Robert left. The boys, my parents, and myself are all safe and getting along quite well, even though the British have much control over the Southern Colonies since they caputred the main port city.

PHOTO: Some soilders in the Battle of Charleston

Deverell, William and Deborah G. White. United States History. Austin, Texas, United States Of America: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2008. Print.

Kovacik, Charles F., and George C. Rogers, Jr.

"South Carolina."

World Book Advanced.

World Book,

15 Nov. 2011.

(for photo)

Logan, Joseph T., Dec. 2001, The American Revolution - The Siege of Charleston Retrieved November 15, 2011 Website url: http://www.theamericanrevolution.org/battledetail.aspx?battle=23 

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