Sunday, November 13, 2011

Entry 8: December 30, 1778

The hired help that Robert left instructions for when he left have also left to go to war. There is one small boy left. The farm has already shrunken, and having money for basic necessities is already an issue. The war is showing signs of improvement though. In May, the Continental Congress ratified a treaty with France, saying that they will support us. The French already were helping, but as soon as the treaty was signed, supplies, soilders, and ships were arriving in huge amounts. There was just a major battle yesterday, when General Campbell rallied the Continental Army in Savannah, Georgia which was the last colony to join the Revolution. They overtook the British, and gained the city.

PHOTO: The French flag

France. Flag. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.
(for image)

Logan, Joseph T., Dec. 2001, The American Revolution - The Capture of Savannah, Retrieved November 13, 2011 Website url:

Sheidley, Nathaniel.

"American Revolution."

World Book Advanced.

World Book,

13 Nov. 2011.

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