Friday, November 11, 2011

Entry 7: Februrary 1778

After months of collecting information, I turned in my findings to the army base. I just hope that it helped them in some way, form, or fashion. Meanwhile, I am now using my niece, Mary, as a nanny for the boys. It was unsafe for them to be in the school building, without any form of heating. The winter of 1777-1778 was just downright brutal. Shin-deep know and 20 below 0 temperatures are not fun. Another letter arrived last week, from Robert. A man from Prussia named Baron Friedrich von Steuben arrived very recently began to train the army basic military procedure, and the army is improving on many levels.

PHOTO: A cold, snowy winter like the one of 1777-1778

Ahlquist, Jon E.


World Book Advanced.

World Book,

11 Nov. 2011.
(for image)

Deverell, William and Deborah G. White. United States History. Austin, Texas, United States Of America: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2008. Print.

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